Tales of a Girl

Index * About Me * Credits

Daydreams & Nightmares

(2017 - 2018)

D aydreams & Nightmares is an anthology of scenes recreated from my conscious and unconscious mind. The series encapsulates my lifelong, ongoing habit of dissociating from reality, whether it be relatively harmless or completely maladaptive. Leading up to its creation, I struggled with depression and coped by literally "living in my own head" between two worlds: a serene, ideal one and a chaotic, frightening one. The former was the world I wanted to live in; the latter was the world I couldn't escape. Daydreams & Nightmares reflects this dichotomy through its juxtaposition of girls in pleasant and unsettling dreamscapes.

Select works from the series were featured in PH21 Gallery's Stories exhibition in Budapest, Hungary in addition to their Photographer Moments video series during the COVID-19 lockdown.

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